What’s happening to my body in the second trimester? - 5 months pregnant

You are almost halfway through your pregnancy journey! Wow! How time flies when you are now enjoying the new surge of energy, the cute baby bump that you can show off wearing cute maternity clothes without being judged, the new burst of self-confidence with that rosy pregnancy glow and the new ultrasound picture that..
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What’s happening to my body in the second trimester? – 4 months pregnant

Now that you are on your fourth month of pregnancy, it is usually the month of celebration as you are feeling way better with nausea or fatigue starting to go away but there are also a whole new set of changes that you will notice happening to your body now.

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Does your child have enough iron?

Your little one may be tiny, but do you know that babies may require more energy, mineral and vitamins than...

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A guide to weaning

As your baby approaches the six-month mark, milk alone would no longer be enough for your baby to meet all...

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How to enjoy your baby’s first year

As the birth of a new baby can be such a miracle and remarkably happy event, the demands are daunting...

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