Congrats mom and dad! After processing and digesting the news, it’s time to finally sit down with a calm heart and really think through what the next steps are before meeting your baby!
Your baby is officially coming soon! At 9 months pregnant, you’ve probably done everything on your checklist from taking birthing classes to choosing baby clothes to getting the nursery ready to reading all the books or articles, and now it’s the time to get the show on the road! Here are some of the main symptoms or changes to your body that you will find happening this month.
It’s your 7th month of pregnancy now, you are almost hitting the third trimester! Worry and anxious but still excited at the same time right? The third trimester begins around week 28 of pregnancy and lasts until you give birth, which can be around week 40 of pregnancy.
Physical activity is necessary for everyone of all age groups, including pregnant women. If you have a normal pregnancy and are healthy, generally it is safe to continue or start to be involved in physical activities.
At this point, you are almost at the end of your second trimester! You are feeling the best ever at this point, not having to deal with the morning sickness anymore (if you are, we are so sorry, you will get through this), eating more of your favourite foods now that your appetite is crazy,with your hubby satisfying your cravings (even in the middle of the night).
You are almost halfway through your pregnancy journey! Wow! How time flies when you are now enjoying the new surge of energy, the cute baby bump that you can show off wearing cute maternity clothes without being judged, the new burst of self-confidence with that rosy pregnancy glow and the new ultrasound picture that..